Maintain an Orderly Home

Today, homes are significantly larger- and much more cluttered—than they were 30 years ago! Rampant consumerism is making our demand for stuff surpass our ability to acquire space. No wonder why self-storage is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States.
What all this excess stuff means that the majority of us will spend more time maintaining our living environments to retain some sort of order in our lives. Or else we’ll be left with a nagging conscience about clearing up the clutter.
Keeping an orderly home can be challenging. We don’t want to spend our evenings and weekends knee-deep in clutter. Instead, we want cleaning to be kept at a minimum and spend more time relaxing and enjoying with family.
Following day-to-day organizational habits can help you lay a foundation for a clean, organized home and reduce your overall effort in maintaining order.
1. Make Your Bed First Thing in the Morning
Making your bed is a simple task that sets your day for success. There’s a reason why it’s called” wake and make.”
Don’t procrastinate making the bed. Do it as soon as you wake up, so you don’t have any excuses to put it off. Keep your bedding basic and create a calm atmosphere in your bedroom that makes you proud of it.
Make it a practice to make your bed every morning. If you want to keep your house organized for the entire week, this tiny organization job will be the catalyst.
2. Have a Designated Place for Belongings
Items are shifted around our homes throughout the day. If you don’t know what goes where you’ll be left with stuff scattered all around the place!
For small, difficult-to-organize objects, look for affordable baskets. Make sure the cosmetics go back into the “cosmetic” basket, the shaving cream into the “husband” basket, and the 400 bobby pins into the “hair accessory” tray each day. When items have a designated home, putting them away takes only a few minutes.
Have a strategy in place before you leave for the day so that everything is in its place and you don’t end up with a massive mess to clean up at the end of the week.
3. Dedicate 20 minutes a Day Every Day
Small steps always produce favorable results that are much more sustainable. Why waste your energy devoting 20 hours to getting things in a single day when you only need to spare just 20 minutes every day?
Concentrate on clearing clutter in just one room at a time. Even if it’s just a single drawer or shelf, you can make a big difference. At the end of the day, it will make you feel successful. And by the end of a week, you’ll be surprised at how much you declutter.
4. Put the Dishes Away Every Morning
When you’re left with a stack of dishes and no place to store them, the triumph of a homemade supper (assuming it is “home-prepared” often) feels fleeting.
You’ll stay ahead of the game if you take a few minutes every morning to unload the dishwasher. If you don’t have access to dishwater, rinse off the dirty dishes. At least that will make washing them easier later.
5. Bathrooms Should be Spot-Cleaned Every Night
Bathroom stench spreads rapidly, just like clutter feeds clutter.
When you brush your teeth or help the kids get ready for bed, keep Lysol wipes in each bathroom so you can quickly and simply clean the counter and toilet.
You’ll instinctively put away floss, hair ties, and other clutter in your path while wiping.
If you reside in Boston and having trouble with maintaining your bathroom tub and tiles, don’t hesitate to ask our professional cleaners for help!
6. Establish a Nightly Clean-up Routine
Take a laundry basket on a tour of your house every night and pick up anything that doesn’t belong.
If your household consists of more than two people, divide the day’s clutter into designated baskets for each member to put away daily or weekly.
This routine will leave you waking up to a decluttered living room and a spotless kitchen, allowing you to start the day feeling fresh.
7. Make a To-Do List for House Organization
Many people find this counterintuitive. Since there is already too much on our plate, so why bother with making this list? Of course, there will be larger chores that will require more time and attention. But keeping a to-do list will help you prioritize the tasks that truly matter when it comes to house organization
This list also serves as a reminder of things you can do if you find yourself with some spare time.
Hire a Professional Cleaning Service
Whether it’s roof maintenance or organizing your garage, HomePlus is guaranteed to have what you need!
Our professional cleaners in Boston are always delighted to assist customers in getting their houses in the best organizational shape.
Book us now with a single press here!