How to Clean and Sanitize a Baby Changing Table

A baby changing table can easily become dirty with messes like feces, urine, spit-up, and other contaminants that can harbor disease-causing bacteria. To keep your baby healthy, it’s important to clean the table daily and disinfect it weekly.
Bacteria are one of the world’s fastest reproducing species, doubling every 4-20 minutes. To prevent the transmission of disease-causing bacteria and common ailments such as colds and flu, daily cleaning and weekly disinfection are suggested.
In this post, we’ll show you how to clean and sanitize a baby changing table to keep your baby healthy. Let’s get started.
Prepare the Space
When changing diapers at home, you frequently remember the last time you cleaned your changing table (Ideally, shortly after the last time you used it.) When you’re on the way, though, the only way to know if the changing table you’re going to set your child on is safe and hygienic is to clean it yourself.
This is where disinfecting wipes might come in help. Always have wipes on hand and clean off the area before placing any of your stuff on it. Another important thing is to make a cleaning schedule for yourself, so you have an idea about what’s next and keep all the required things with yourself.
Get the Right Cleaning Solutions
Even if you are meticulous about washing your baby’s changing table, it will eventually become filthy. Remove the cloth covering and clean the pad with soap and warm water if this occurs. Then, wipe it down with a professional disinfectant or a bleach-water solution. Remove the covering after drying the pad.
Furthermore, disinfectants containing alcohol (not only wipes) can cause the early breaking of plastic and vinyl. Many also include bleach, which can discolor the surface. For safe cleaning, hire HomePlus house cleaning services in Burlington, MA. We have safe cleaning products for kids to keep them healthy.
Use Lysol or Wipes
Lysol laundry sanitizer may help with the extra effort required for cloth diapers. It can eliminate germs in both hot and cold water. After using a changing table or surface and changing a diaper, sanitize it.
Besides, a basic cleaner will usually be enough. Still, following a diaper replacement, you can also disinfect the changing table with wipes. If necessary, spray with cleaning solution and bleach—pre-clean extremely filthy surfaces before cleaning the changing table.
Change the Pad
It is critical to keep these pads clean to keep your infant healthy and to reduce smells in your home. A plastic cover with a sheet-like covering is standard on most changing tables. Even if you use extreme caution when diapering your infant, this covering will quickly get dirty.
Instead of washing a dirty covering multiple times each week, use a cloth diaper or tiny hand towel beneath your baby’s bottom. This will save you time.
The Quick Clean
It’s critical to deep clean every few days when cleaning and disinfecting, especially if your child has a bad stomach sickness. A thorough cleaning might help keep them from being ill again. You may make your disinfectant spray with the following ingredients:
- A glass of water
- One-quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide
- A bottle for spray
Shake the spray container to combine the ingredients. Because hydrogen peroxide is harmful, spray this disinfectant while the children are not there. Wipe down with a clean towel after spraying. Place everything away from your child’s reach once you’ve finished cleaning off the baby changing tray.
Disinfect the Changing Table Daily
While cleaning your changing table immediately after each change is a good practice, we understand that you also have a wiggling infant to contend with.
Make it a daily habit to return later, when the child is asleep or otherwise engaged, and clean all areas of your changing table, not only the immediate working surfaces. Refresh all sheets and make sure you have extra cleaning solutions on hand, and you’ll likely be ready for this.
Wash Your Hands
Wipe off everything you’ve touched, including any rash cream containers.
Despite your cleansing efforts, you’ve been exposed to some potentially harmful substances. Wash your hands after finishing the process and when cleaning the changing table to avoid passing hazardous bacteria to your child.
Hire Professional Cleaners
Babies are a lot of work! Cleaning and sanitizing a baby changing table, on the other hand, isn’t time-consuming. And if you keep up with the cleaning, it takes no time at all.
Alternatively, you might consider hiring a HomePlus house cleaning service in Burlington, MA. Our professional cleaners are ready to clean all baby-related items with safe cleaning products. We understand that you don’t want to make your kid ill or put them in danger if you don’t know how to clean.
Please get in touch with us by clicking here.