Tips for In Home Laundry Service

Are you a new parent? If yes, then you must be surely wondering how your little one can leave behind so much laundry. Washing your baby’s clothes is a simple process, but it is a tad different from washing your own clothes.
Baby skin is prone to allergies and super delicate when it comes to what touches the skin. Therefore, you need to take precautions and special care while doing the laundry of toddlers to avoid irritation, allergies, and overall discomfort to the baby.
There is nothing unsafe to wash your baby’s garments in the washer. However, it would help if you were extremely careful while doing so. Once you know the handy tips for washing your baby’s clothes, it can become easier for you.
There are few factors to keep in mind as you’re tackling that heap of your baby clothes to keep them clean and tidy. Let’s dive deep into the steps you need to follow.
Using a Baby Detergent
Before you can get to the laundering part of your newborn’s clothes, you need to find a detergent that suits your baby.
First, use any good new detergent to wash one or two baby items and then check their skin for irritation after wearing them.
You may find that your baby is allergic to that specific detergent, or they got a reaction. In that case, baby detergent could be a good investment. You must change the detergent and move to chemical-free products or look for a hypoallergenic and fragrance-free soap.
Reading Care Label Before Washing
Reading the care label on clothes is essential, especially before washing your baby’s clothes for the first time. You must follow the instructions written over the care label to avoid any further damage or allergy. There are precautions related to washing detergent, clothes fabric, hand washing of clothes, etc.
Most of the baby clothes are primarily made of cotton fabric. You can use the cotton settings in your washer while washing. Some of your baby’s clothes are delicate enough that they need to be washed by hand. Some baby clothes can be cleaned in the washing machine but are usually unsuitable for tumble drying.
Therefore, you must figure out the fabric of clothes and categorize items that need to be washed by hand and washed in the machine. Also, you should know how to dry those clothes according to the given instructions, so that they don’t get ruined.
Sorting the Clothes
Before laundering your baby’s clothes, you need to keep in mind the essential laundry tips for impeccably clean clothes.
First, you are supposed to sort the clothes. After that, consider securing the zips and buttons, if any. Another critical factor you need to take care of is to wash light and dark clothes separately. If both colors are washed together, dark colors might transfer over the lights during the wash.
Removing Stains
The permanent stains can be caused by tags and stickers left behind on your baby’s clothes. Thus, it is essential to read the care labels, but you do not need to keep them on your baby’s clothes all the time. Otherwise, you would have to suffer the stubborn stains on your little one’s clothes. Moreover, tags can also hurt a baby’s skin while wearing them.
To remove stains, you should dampen the stain with water. After that, directly pour 2-3 drops of liquid detergent over the stain. You can use baby detergents that are specially formulated for washing machines. Following this, you need to gently rub the exposed area of clothes and then wash with plain water.
Also, if there is some food residue, brush away as much as you can before dropping the clothes into the washing machine. It would help speed up the cleaning and washing process.
Wash the Clothes
While washing your baby’s clothes in a washer, always go for a cold water setting and gentle wash cycle. In contrast, hot water can cause them to shrink, keeping the garments intact and soft. Also, the powdered detergents tend to stick to your baby’s clothes, especially when you run a cold cycle. It can cause rashes on your baby’s skin.
Contrary, opting for a liquid detergent in case of laundering baby’s garments is ideal. Liquid detergents dissolve quickly in water without leaving any residue behind, unlike powdered ones. It also helps to maintain your washing machine’s life.
Enjoy Spending Time with Your Baby
There you go! You can now enjoy spending more time with your baby in their fresh-smelling and all-clean outfits. You can use the above-mentioned valuable tips to do your baby’s laundry, and it should no more be a tiresome task.
Suppose you are a working mother and you cannot manage the laundry yourself. In that case, you must be in dire need of some reliable and professional helping hand? If that is the case, then you have come to the right place.
Our professional house cleaners by HomePlus cleaning are out there to reduce your worry by providing you wash and fold laundry service in Nashua, New Hampshire. We are professionals with years of experience who would do the perfect laundry for your little one (and all the others in your house).
Interested? You can book an appointment in just 60 seconds by clicking over** **here.