The Ultimate Microfiber Cloth Guide

Internet is an ocean of endless information. You are just a click away from whatever information you seek. The online world will provide you with the wonderful opportunity to know about something you wouldn’t have known otherwise. It also opens your eyes to things you are doing wrong.
Cleaning is one of those things.
You will often hear a lot of bad advice about cleaning. Many of the cleaning “hacks” you hear aren’t as effective as you think. There are plenty of urban myths likely to cause more harm than good to your home.
To spare you a headache from your cleaning woes, we have separated the fact from the fiction.
Here are some cleaning myths that are considered indisputable truths and some of their best alternatives.
Microfiber has become the new favorite chemical-free cleaning tool. These days, microfabric products can be found in almost every housekeeping arsenal. What’s so special about this tiny fabric? And how does it work?
Before diving into the answers, let’s go over the basics regarding microfiber and what it is made of.
Here are some cleaning myths that are considered indisputable truths and some of their best alternatives.
What is Microfiber?
Microfiber is a type of very fine synthetic textile fiber. Most microfabric clothes are made with a combination of two plastics: Polyester and Nylon. Polyester provides the structure while the nylon increases density and absorption.
The production of Microfabric cleaning cloths starts with an extrusion process.
First, the Polyester and Nylon are forced through a tiny pipe and weaved together with heat. Then, with a mechanical and chemical process, the fibers are split into smaller parts. The microfibers are up to 20 times smaller than the original fiber and roughly 200 times thinner than a human hair.
Splitting the fibers increases the surface area and creates a positive charge within the thread. The microfibers remove tiny pollutants like microbes, spores from a range of surfaces without the use of additional chemicals or cleaners.
A microfabric towel is four times larger surface area than a comparably sized cotton cloth. It can therefore lift and hold more dirt, grease, grime, and liquids.
Positively charged fibers attract dirt and germs like a magnet. Microfabric cloth is also easier to clean and resistant to bacteria since the material dries up quickly.
Uses and Benefits
Here are some of the cleaning jobs that you can tackle with this versatile cleaning tool.
1. Dusting
Microfabric cloth is great for making everyday dusting faster and easier. It can absorb more dust and dirt than traditional clothes.
Instructions for use: For dusting furniture, baseboards, and other hard surfaces, Start with a dry microfabric towel and follow up with a damper cloth for removing the leftover dirt and dust.
2. Kitchen Cleaning
Microfabric cloths can be used to clean the ceiling fans, cabinets, countertops, and appliances in the kitchen.
Instruction for use: To make the most out of microfabric cloth, always divide it into sections. You can fold it into half and dampen one section for removing dirt, grime, and grease. Then switch to the dry section for shining and polishing.
3. Window Cleaning
Whether you want to get rid of the dirt and smudge stuck on the interior or exterior windows, Microfabric cloth should be your go-to tool.
Instruction for use: Wipe your inside windows with a damp cloth for removing the dirt, and then apply a dry one for a shine. For exterior windows, spray them with a water pipe and then follow the steps as you did for the inside ones.
4. Cleaning Electronics
Without the risk of using water, you can use a microfiber cloth for removing the unpleasant sight of grime and fingerprints on your electronic devices like your phone, tablet, laptop.
Instruction for use: Make sure the microfiber cloth is dry. The dry cloth can also be used for daily dusting flatscreen TV, computer hardware.
5. Cleaning your car
For washing a car, A pack of microfiber towels will get the job done.
Instructions for use: The Exterior can be washed with soap, a microfiber towel, and water. Use a dry cloth for dusting the interior, like the windshields, seats, steering wheel, windows, etc.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Microfiber cloths need to be properly taken care of to ensure longevity. A quality cloth that is regularly cleaned and well maintained can work for up to two years. Studies also suggest that a quality microfabric cloth performance improved after 75 washes and can last almost 150 washes.
Here are some quick tips on how you can extend a towel’s lifespan and get the most bang for your buck.
- Buy towels of different colors for different chores. Always separately wash them to avoid color bleeding and contamination of the compound within the towel.
- Don’t mix them with regular laundry. It will cause contamination of the towel with lint, hair, and dirt from the laundry. Wash and dry separately
- Wash extremely dirty towels in hot water (preferably below 200 degrees Fahrenheit). You can use cold water for the lesser dirty, soiled ones. A washing machine is also a good option as it uses hot water.
- Use a regular detergent or environmental-free if possible. Microfiber should not be washed with fabric softeners, dryer softener sheets, or bleach. Oil found in softeners and harsh chemicals in bleach breaks down the fibers. They also reduce the static electricity that makes microfibers so effective
- Let the freshly washed cloth air dry naturally. The towel can become more coarse and less absorbent if overheated with a machine dryer (above 140-degree Fahrenheit)
If you want a professional house cleaning service that can clean your house with high-quality, well-maintained microfiber clothes, look no further because Homeplus is here to help!
We deliver high-quality cleaning services in Boston that caters to the need of our clients. You can also check out more proven cleaning tips on our website.
For booking, press here.