Avoid these Cleaning Tips

Internet is an ocean of endless information. You are just a click away from whatever information you seek. The online world will provide you with the wonderful opportunity to know about something you wouldn’t have known otherwise. It also opens your eyes to things you are doing wrong.
Cleaning is one of those things.
You will often hear a lot of bad advice about cleaning. Many of the cleaning “hacks” you hear aren’t as effective as you think. There are plenty of urban myths likely to cause more harm than good to your home.
To spare you a headache from your cleaning woes, we have separated the fact from the fiction.
Here are some cleaning myths that are considered indisputable truths and some of their best alternatives.
1. Apply Water for Carpet Stains
Many of us go into panic mode when we spill something on the carpet and immediately dump water over the area. But this does more harm than good!
Water is not an effective solution. It could potentially damage or discolor your carpet as badly as the spill. The liquid also poses the risk of damaging the floorboards underneath your carpet. Water causes mildew to develop underneath when it seeps downs and get trapped.
What to do instead: Treat the stain asap with something more useful than water, preferably a reputable carpet cleaner. The blotting method is another effective DIY method in this case. Apply water or a cleaning solution on the stain and then blot the area with a cleaning towel, gently repeating until you have handled the mess.
2. Mix Baking Soda With Vinegar
Baking soda with vinegar may produce a produce volcano-like bubble when mixed. But that does not make it a powerhouse cleaner. It is nothing more than a fizzy chemical reaction of carbon dioxide and salty water.
What to do instead: Vinegar and baking soda are effective cleaning tools when used separately. Baking soda is good for scrubbing and deodorizing, while vinegar is a natural disinfectant. For an abrasive scrubbing solution, prepare a baking soda paste by taking a half cup of soda and adding few tablespoons of water until the mixture is spreadable.
3. Polish Your Silver With Toothpaste
Occasionally using a little bit of toothpaste over your silver pieces does make it sparkle. However, toothpaste is much more abrasive than standard silver polishes, and regular use can ruin your silverware over time.*What to do instead:** *Avoid applying toothpaste on your special silver pieces and only save it for infrequent emergencies. We recommend Polishing Cloths instead.
4. Apply Bleach on Rust Stains
Bleach can be a very powerful potent when it comes to making stains disappear. However, it may bring more damage than benefits. Bleach is packed with strong chemicals, including oxidizing substances that accelerate the spread of rust.
What to do instead: Consider an all-natural cleaning solution comprising of vinegar or lemon juice mixed with salt.
5. Use Nail Polish Remover for Battling Stick Spots or Permanent Marker
Nail polish remover can damage wood by stripping off its finish. It can discolor or scratch the surface or discolor surfaces.
What to use instead: Since there is no one-size-fits-all solution, it is recommended to research and then use a suitable product like Amodex for ink stains. For fighting stickiness, try baby oil or mineral oil.
6. Use Vinegar to Clean Stone Surfaces
Vinegar is considered a predominant cleaning tool and always comes in handy in a lot of places at the house- except for the stone surfaces. The acidity in vinegar is likely to cause ugly marks, scratches, and stubborn stains on natural stone surfaces like marble, tiles, and granite.
What to do instead: Stick with diluted dish soap and warm water for deep cleaning your stone finishes.
7. Clean Windows With A Newspaper
Wiping your windows with old newspapers is a popular and cost-effective way of cleaning your windows. However, the paper’s ink could also smear on your windows or run onto your windowsill. This cheap method doesn’t sound worth it!
What to do instead: A micro fabric cloth or a paper towel will be perfect as it won’t leave any ink, streaks, or lint behind.
8. Apply Salt When Washing New Clothes For The First Time
The old wives’ tale of applying salt to “set the dye”, i.e., preserving color on a fresh piece of the garment just doesn’t work. When you buy a new garment, the dye has already been set. You might transfer the dye to other clothes if you do not wash it separately.
What to do instead: *Avoid mixing the new piece with the laundry load if you are worried that it will contaminate other clothes. Follow the instructions on the care tag to deal with deeply dyed clothes.
Cleaning your home is not hard if you take out the time for it. But the fastest and easiest way to make sure your home remains spotless is to use a professional cleaning service. That’s where Homeplus can help!
Our professional cleaners in Boston work hard to ensure that you save your precious time for relaxing and making memories with friends and families. Homeplus has all the cleaning supplies to clean your home, with a focus on eco-friendly techniques.
So, what are you waiting for? Book us now with a single press here for a customizable cleaning job that meets your needs!